When contacting staff about the class, please post on Ed (privately, if needed). Send an email to cs168 (at) berkeley.edu if email is necessary. Only contact individual staff members for private inquiries.


Sylvia Ratnasamy

sylvia_ratnasamy (at) berkeley.edu

Sylvia Ratnasamy is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley, whose work focuses on the design and implementation of networked systems.

Rob Shakir

rjs (at) rob.sh

Rob is a software engineer working on Google’s WAN networks. He has been involved in the design, architecture and operation of global networks for ~20 years.

Teaching Assistants

Sarah McClure

sarah (at) cs.berkeley.edu
(Head TA)

Efsane Soyer

efsanesoyer (at) berkeley.edu
(Head TA)

Tess Despres


Abhi Ganesh

abhiganesh (at) berkeley.edu

Ethan Jackson

ejj (at) eecs.berkeley.edu

Bryce Wong

brywong (at) berkeley.edu

Last built: 2024-08-16 04:28 UTC